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- Created On: Dec 6, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | May 28, 2014
Congrats on so many wonderful thngis happening in your life! I appreciate your visit to my blog and the follow. I really enjoy watching others work on their home, as it's a constant with us and quite frankly it can be a lonely process so woo hoo for us getting together to support the ups and downs. I'll happily follow along and look forward to seeing more.(p.s. I'm a blog blabber . so I hope you're up for that! HA HA!)
2. | Nov 25, 2013
I agreed with and was glad to see Harvey not siattrng in the UConn game. His mood swings just isnt good enough. I think Lawrence and Theodore sharing the point guard position is just going to get better and better.The other position needing the change now is in the Center position. The UConn game shows proof again that Jon Garcia just isnt quick enough and doesnt have the Center moves to compete against the Centers in the Big East.Farrakon Hall is getting better and better and I think he should be sharing that position with Pope with Jeff Robinson coming to share the Power Forward Position with Pope. Then have Garcia come off the bench to deal with the oppositions bench Centers later in the game.He is just not Big East Good enough and is hurting the team. A couple of times you can see Garcia back away from positions underneath the basket where he could have made the easier rebound or block outs.
3. | Nov 24, 2013
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me stritgha.