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- Description: Foro Intercultural
- Members: 15
- Created On: Feb 6, 2007
- Posts: 25
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 5, 2018
2. | Apr 12, 2014
An inetlligent answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change
3. | Apr 10, 2014
Thanks! I been trying my best to accses PNG Passport application forms to arrange for my relatives in Buka and kavieng to attend my wedding in Brisbane but I coudnt accses it quickly. I decided to surf through the internet and now find the updated versions. Thank you PNG immigration.
4. | Apr 10, 2014
Hello Friends,I had got my F2 visa approved on 7 Dec 2011 at Mumbai cosaulnte. I am hereby sharing my experience with you all. Hope all of them trying for F2 gets success from experience.My visa timing were at 8:15 am at BKC, Bandra. I reached there at 7:45 and there was a huge rush of people at cosaulnte. There was a big Q and the officer told me stand in the Q holding my original passport, I-20 and interview letter in hand. After security check we all were let in the complex. There I handed my documents to the counter for my token number. The officer returned my passport and I-20 with a sticker of token number back to me. Then I hand my fingerprints confirmation, and was asked to take a sit. There are 2 sections for Immigration and non-immigration at Mumbai cosaulnte. After 30 minutes my token number was displayed on the TV screen alongwith the window number. There are in all 44 windows at cosaulnte. I got 23 window, an old man was sitting on the other side of the glass to take my interview. My interview was as follows.I : Hello sir, good morningVO : Good morningVO : In which university is your spouse?I : XYZ universityVO : Good. Can I see your marriage album and certificate?I : I showedVO : Show me your favourite picture?I : I showed the mangal phera photo.VO : How many circle you take around the fire?I : Sir 7VO : Congrats your visa is approvedI : Thanks sir. Have a good dayThe VO took my passport. But according to me its all about luck to get a US visa. Contrary you should be confident to VO and never distract them. As this was my 2nd attempt for a visa. There were many rejections on the same day. So from me best of luck to all the appliers for F2 and prepare well.RegardsShilpi
5. | Nov 15, 2013
Hello Friends,I had got my F2 visa approved on 7 Dec 2011 at Mumbai conaluste. I am hereby sharing my experience with you all. Hope all of them trying for F2 gets success from experience.My visa timing were at 8:15 am at BKC, Bandra. I reached there at 7:45 and there was a huge rush of people at conaluste. There was a big Q and the officer told me stand in the Q holding my original passport, I-20 and interview letter in hand. After security check we all were let in the complex. There I handed my documents to the counter for my token number. The officer returned my passport and I-20 with a sticker of token number back to me. Then I hand my fingerprints confirmation, and was asked to take a sit. There are 2 sections for Immigration and non-immigration at Mumbai conaluste. After 30 minutes my token number was displayed on the TV screen alongwith the window number. There are in all 44 windows at conaluste. I got 23 window, an old man was sitting on the other side of the glass to take my interview. My interview was as follows.I : Hello sir, good morningVO : Good morningVO : In which university is your spouse?I : XYZ universityVO : Good. Can I see your marriage album and certificate?I : I showedVO : Show me your favourite picture?I : I showed the mangal phera photo.VO : How many circle you take around the fire?I : Sir 7VO : Congrats your visa is approvedI : Thanks sir. Have a good dayThe VO took my passport. But according to me its all about luck to get a US visa. Contrary you should be confident to VO and never distract them. As this was my 2nd attempt for a visa. There were many rejections on the same day. So from me best of luck to all the appliers for F2 and prepare well.RegardsShilpi
6. | Nov 12, 2013
spune:Felicitari ai terminat luicel! Da, sunt griji degeaba pentru ca abia apoi realizezi ca bacalaureatul a fost cel mai usor examen comparand cu ceea ce este in facultate, in Ro. Spre norocul tau nu o sa ai cu ce compara. Oamenii cu frustari de dominatie nu ar trebui sa ajunga profesori. Sunt docili acasa in fata nevestei/mamei si la scoala incearca sa compenze aceasta docilitate cu autoritatea pe care, au dreptul sau cel putin ei asa cred, exercita asupra elevilor/studentilor. Bineinteles, sunt multi cei care au trait traume in copilarie si acum sunt la fel si la scoala si acasa. Ceea ce nu se intelege este ca meseria de profesor implica o mare responsabilitate. Lucrand cu creiere proaspete este foarte usor sa=ti pui amprenta. Daca nu esti in stare, nu o face. Oricum se planga ca salariile sunt mici, ar putea la fel de bine sa mearga pe partea de cercetare a domeniului lor si sa aduca ceva nou decat ceva putred.
7. | Nov 5, 2013
Departe de mine gandul de a initrtene polemica, mai ales in zilele astea, dar nu pot sa nu fac anumite observatii..1-Este ffff adevarat ca interesul cadrelor univ din fac istorie-univ bucuresti, indiferent de varsta, optiune politica sau grup apartinator, este extrem de redus pt cum se preda in preuniversitar si asta datorita unor sume de motive pe care nu le controleaza cei din afara sistemului 2- facultatea nu scoate profesori, asa cum nici politehnica nu scoate ingineri. Orice facultate nu scoate decat absolventi. Profesia o ai doar atunci cand esti angajat in meseria respectiva 3- La ora actuala in Bucuresti, absolventii facultatii de istorie-univ bucuresti, care profeseaza ca profesori sunt minoritari(cam 40%-dintre care majoritatea au terminat pana-n 89- informatie usor verificabila) restul sunt pe linia Spiru haret, Dimitrie Cantemir, Hyperion, Valahia( aia de stat din Targoviste unde predau aia de la Muzeul National) la FF sai IDD. Despre calitatea prof de istorie cu univ bucuresti, nu cred ca aveti calitatea sa va dati cu parerea . In caz contarar inseamana ca ar trebui sa fiti in facultate , iar examenele celor din preuniversitar, adica definitivat, gradul II si gradul I au fost date cu dvs ori nu e cazul nici macar in gluma 4- ma abtin de la alte comentarii care nu ar avea cum sa fie intelese, de catre cei din afara sistemului de invatamant si care au informatii preponderent din presa