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- Category: Gaming: Clans
- Description: Knight Online Ronark Sunucusu Bordobere Klanı Resmi Anasayfası.
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- Created On: Jun 26, 2007
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1. | Dec 16, 2013
A different sort of diugolae on the Delta:a0 Daniel Weintraub covers the Delta Dialogues, the Delta Conservancy's 6 month program to bring warring Delta stakeholders together for a different type of conversation:a0 The talks had no set agenda and no concrete goal other than conversation. That sounds dreadful. But it might actually be why they worked so well. People who have spent their lives in battle with one another came out of the encounter with newfound appreciation for each other’s interests, even liking each other. How Californian! a0 Read more from the Healthy Cal blog here:a0 A new conversation about water
2. | Dec 14, 2013
Pbrain, last I knew property tax was the reibsnospility of municipalities. The only impact the state can have is to takeover tasks performed by local governments. This, of course would force the state to raise income tax. Thus setting a Democrats raise taxes rant.This shell game has gone on as long as I've been in NJ. Florio tried to clean up Kean's financial mess by raising taxes. Whitman defeated Florio on a platform to lower income taxes. She didn't do so by shrinking government however, reibsnospility was shifted to local government thereby raising property tax. But Whitman added her own creative twist. She approved excessive budgets and truncated spending prior to year end. Whitman juggled the books until McGreevy took the reins and the cycle began anew.Corzine is now stuck with an unenviable task. The electorate is screaming for state services without use of the tax option. And in his spare time Corzine should reduce property tax which would require a tax increase. So much for your debate question.Now back to my question for you. .WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO'S AHEAD IN THE POLLS WANT AN EARLY DEBATE?and WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO'S TRAILING WANT TO POSTPONE?
3. | Dec 13, 2013
Fred Going forward I will conntiue to comment and post info as before with one exception, I will no longer engage in any dialogue with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. After reading today's posts, I finally realized that there is something seriously wrong with him, and my constant challenging of his “facts” and opinions was only making the situation worse.For those who wish to know – I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee or contractor of the Daily Record or its parent, Gannett. I have no desire to work for them, although I am certain they are a fine organization. I’m just an average citizen who likes to express his opinions on all things political.As anyone who has even seen the play (or movie) 1776, this nation was founded by a group of individuals who agreed on one thing – Freedom from Tyranny, but little else. By debating openly and honestly, they eventually agreed on the most important document in the history of mankind – the Declaration of Independence.A decade later, a similar group of men came together to write a Constitution. Again, there was much debate and disagreement. But again, one of the most important documents of all time was produced, and for over 200 years this nation has grown and flourished as a result.Today, we find ourselves facing many important decisions In NJ, electing a governor and one branch of the legislature. On the federal side, several issues that will permanently reshape America – health care reform, Medicare, climate change legislation, growing national debt, etc.As a state and nation, we are better off if everyone who has an opinion or idea is heard. One of NJ's biggest problems is the general lack of interest in what's going on in our government at all levels.Therefore, I’ve appreciated the opportunity to voice my opinion via your website and blog, and hope to conntiue to do so for a long time to come.Thanks, P