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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: Paper=crafting, for the Golry of God!
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- Created On: Sep 23, 2009
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 8, 2018
2. | Jul 21, 2014
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for coitgibutnnr!
3. | Jun 20, 2014
Shoot, so that's that one supspoes.
4. | Jun 17, 2014
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any arctlies on rehab?
5. | Jun 12, 2014
Wow, this is in every recepst what I needed to know.
6. | May 27, 2014
Super jazzed about getting that knwhw-oo.
7. | May 18, 2014
If your arltcies are always this helpful, "I'll be back."
8. | Dec 22, 2013
Just cause it's simple doesn't mean it's not super heplful.
9. | Dec 20, 2013
I've been lokiong for a post like this forever (and a day)
10. | Dec 16, 2013
Wow, this is in every reecspt what I needed to know.
11. | Dec 14, 2013
I was looking evywerhere and this popped up like nothing!
12. | Dec 14, 2013
You've magenad a first class post
13. | Dec 13, 2013
All things coensdired, this is a first class post
14. | Dec 13, 2013
Oh yeah, fabuolus stuff there you!
15. | Dec 5, 2013
Taking the ovevwier, this post is first class
16. | Sep 5, 2013
Now I feel stuidp. That's cleared it up for me
17. | Sep 5, 2013
It's great to find an expert who can expilan things so well
18. | Sep 4, 2013
So true. Honesty and everything recngoized.
19. | Aug 28, 2013
That's really thinnikg out of the box. Thanks!
20. | Aug 21, 2013
It's a relief to find sonmoee who can explain things so well
21. | Aug 6, 2013
It's good to get a fresh way of loonkig at it.
22. | Aug 1, 2013
It's a joy to find sonoeme who can think like that
23. | Aug 1, 2013
That's really thinking at an impivssree level
24. | Jul 31, 2013
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it's free? Awsmoee!
25. | Jul 31, 2013
This piece was cogent, wewinlrltte-, and pithy.
26. | Jul 29, 2013
Plesiang to find someone who can think like that
27. | Jul 28, 2013
Knlogedwe wants to be free, just like these articles!
28. | Jul 28, 2013
You really saved my skin with this iniormatfon. Thanks!
29. | Jul 26, 2013
I just hope whevoer writes these keeps writing more!
30. | Jul 7, 2013
Good job mainkg it appear easy.
31. | Jul 6, 2013
That's a posting full of intsghi!
32. | Jul 5, 2013
Taking the ovreview, this post is first class
33. | Jul 4, 2013
That insight solves the prolebm. Thanks!
34. | Jul 3, 2013
A piece of erudition ulinke any other!
35. | Jul 3, 2013
If your articles are awyals this helpful, "I'll be back."
36. | Jun 17, 2013
qTqFSq mprijehutond
37. | Jun 15, 2013
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brighented my day!
38. | Jun 6, 2013
KqBNW2 ktpucmbnzami
39. | May 31, 2013
niD9xq incqznidfqzz
40. | May 30, 2013
JuYx6K ccumvyophogj
41. | May 30, 2013
IMvubX mhpythiowlnb
42. | May 30, 2013
With the bases loaded you srtcuk us out with that answer!
43. | May 30, 2013
More posts of this qaultiy. Not the usual c***, please
44. | May 28, 2013
Bl9Plu xvbzemvozmti
45. | May 26, 2013
It's great to find an exerpt who can explain things so well
46. | May 22, 2013
It's about time smeonoe wrote about this.
47. | May 21, 2013
6n9qzK pxagyavpbznu
48. | May 21, 2013
8reGV2 ftmhlhwzxact
49. | May 21, 2013
HSZJmg kqfsxpvkullb
50. | May 20, 2013
呢個 左 家真係幾得人驚喎! 個仔唔係醒又要人地陪佢咁, 咩構造架!做人ge嘢, 唔好咪唔好囉, 洗鬼唔認咩, 唉 睇嚟 左頭左勢 ge將來都凍過水, 有左爸左媽呢d教育!近來子元都問多咗我英文 .有時都問到我口啞啞, 我係怕教錯佢囉, 琴日先問我: 500年前呢度咩都冇ge 應該點講喎! 我答咗佢: There was nothing here in 500 years ago , 有冇教錯呢?
51. | May 20, 2013
呢個 左 家真係幾得人驚喎! 個仔唔係醒又要人地陪佢咁, 咩構造架!做人ge嘢, 唔好咪唔好囉, 洗鬼唔認咩, 唉 睇嚟 左頭左勢 ge將來都凍過水, 有左爸左媽呢d教育!近來子元都問多咗我英文 .有時都問到我口啞啞, 我係怕教錯佢囉, 琴日先問我: 500年前呢度咩都冇ge 應該點講喎! 我答咗佢: There was nothing here in 500 years ago , 有冇教錯呢?
52. | May 20, 2013
呢個 左 家真係幾得人驚喎! 個仔唔係醒又要人地陪佢咁, 咩構造架!做人ge嘢, 唔好咪唔好囉, 洗鬼唔認咩, 唉 睇嚟 左頭左勢 ge將來都凍過水, 有左爸左媽呢d教育!近來子元都問多咗我英文 .有時都問到我口啞啞, 我係怕教錯佢囉, 琴日先問我: 500年前呢度咩都冇ge 應該點講喎! 我答咗佢: There was nothing here in 500 years ago , 有冇教錯呢?
53. | May 19, 2013
I just made this for the family toghint carrots, onions and zucchini all came from our garden plus tomato pulp/juice left over from canning. Amazing! The pesto adds so much flavour. Two thumbs up from my 7-y.o. son!
54. | May 18, 2013
I just made this for the family tgnioht carrots, onions and zucchini all came from our garden plus tomato pulp/juice left over from canning. Amazing! The pesto adds so much flavour. Two thumbs up from my 7-y.o. son!
55. | May 7, 2013
E6LFPT fmffjwoxskyr
56. | May 7, 2013
A2yp4S pwdimcduocps
57. | May 7, 2013
kah1Fn okgntgagaigh
58. | May 6, 2013
I just made this for the family tonhgit carrots, onions and zucchini all came from our garden plus tomato pulp/juice left over from canning. Amazing! The pesto adds so much flavour. Two thumbs up from my 7-y.o. son!
59. | May 4, 2013
TUegBD mklkfepillyk
60. | May 3, 2013
What distresses me the most about the Maureen Castriotta sioautitn is the way in which the BOE trampled her Constitutional rights. Also, the Board members have now opened us up to a costly law suit because they acted as authority above the Constitution of the United States and can now be officially recalled according to the BOE bylaws.The town lawyer did not read the all of Section 0146. Here is the pertinent part that was omitted at last night's meeting: Board members are entitled to express themselves publicly on any matter, including issues involving the Board and the school district. Individual Board members cannot, however, express the position of the Board except as expressly authorized, in accordance with the Board Policy No. 9120. A Board member shall not represent his/her personal opinion as the position of the Board and shall include in all formal expressions in which his/her Board affiliation is likely to be recognized, such as letters to government officials or newspapers, speeches to organizations and the like, a statement that the opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the board.She did not violate that part of the bylaws. According to the bylaws, she was free to express her opinion. It was malicious slander and nothing less. Regarding the walk out . First, it was authorized by Mr. Swanson and Dr. Rossi. They knew the day before that it was going to happen and they did nothing to discourage the students from doing it. This action, in itself, opens us up to any number of law suits. Most of those children were minors. As such, permission slips would be needed to excuse a student from class. I sincerely doubt that 600 permission slips were obtained. Secondly, a permit for lawful assembly was not issued to these students. Thirdly, the press was welcomed at the walk out which makes me believe that either Mr. Swanson or Dr. Rossi invited them to attend.Lastly, if the principal of the high school and the superintendent cannot MANAGE and exert their authority over their students, they are incompetent and should be DISMISSED immediately.Shame on Pat Miller who only stated the view point (and IMHO, a pack of lies) that Rossi and Swanson presented as truth etched in stone. Shame on those who voted to censure Ms. Castriotta. At the very least, she should start the recall procedure against the members of the board for trampling her rights.
61. | May 2, 2013
3EYQel kufwgavmpehf
62. | May 2, 2013
reach, have a look from this historical Brahmpol brgide and feel this scenically (smelling) beauty.Jalkumbhi are enemies of water, and water is source of our life, more because not only life but economy of
63. | May 2, 2013
xAhHV3 nrmopknimpzi
64. | Apr 25, 2013
Which came first, the problem or the solution? Luckliy it doesn't matter.
65. | Oct 28, 2012
You make things so clear. Thanks for tkinag the time!