Details » CSR owner discussion forum

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- Category: Automobiles
- Description: CSR owner discussion forum
- Members: 1136
- Created On: Sep 28, 2007
- Posts: 1723
- Hits: 17011
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User Comments:
1. | Jul 1, 2014
Your books and motivation sipkaeng were so good and strong and step by step detailed that got me started in something I have been meaning To do several years ago believe me that I will continue to read you as soon as the next book comes out.And a big plus that has me thrilled is that you got me reading again!!!! something I couldnt manage to do from some years now!
2. | Apr 5, 2014
Supporting LEAF is reflective of good cotmmniuy citizenship and values in support of our cotmmniuy of Scenic Acres as a whole. Having recently canvassed around my home streets, I have been encouraged by the demonstration of such values from so many neighbours. Conversations around all sorts of issues that are valuable to our cotmmniuy arose and gave us something to connect about. As cotmmniuy residents we should take any advantage to be part of making our cotmmniuy better for everyone, not just our personal property but showing pride and support for others. I particularly like the fact that we, as residents, will have control over how our cotmmniuy greenspaces are cared for. This will only increase property value for everyone. Just taking a walk around one can see the neglect in these places. Being neighbourly and cotmmniuy-minded is one of the great strengths of our cotmmniuy I was pleased to see so much of those values being upheld still by so many cotmmniuy-minded citizens!. What a great place we live in!
3. | Apr 27, 2012
nr9xXZ plmdqxsdtbro
4. | Apr 26, 2012
EZ1Zam lljgqnxuerro
5. | Apr 25, 2012
First off, i'm a girl. Secondly i'm not insulting anbyody. Mexican is a nationality NOT a language. In Mexico and Spain people speak SPANISH. I took Spanish as a language for 5 years in school. The bird is NOT speaking Spanish. Any other stupid arguments you have from here on out will be ignored because you are clearly ignorant and clearly a troll who is too narcissistic to admit to their own mistake. Adios.