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- Description: Ram 69
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- Created On: Aug 29, 2010
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1. | Jun 30, 2019
The manager lamalinks The closely watched quarterly survey is expected to showthat positive sentiment outweighed gloom among Japan's bigmanufacturers for the first time since September 2011, accordingto a Reuters poll of economists.
2. | Jun 30, 2019
What university do you go to? She lay blame for diplomatic obstacles on Russia just hours after Obama, attending an international summit, held a news conference in St. Petersburg in which he avoided saying whether he would take military action in Syria if the U.S. Congress voted against it.
3. | Jan 8, 2018
4. | Jan 8, 2018
5. | Aug 4, 2014
Pg423V Hey, thanks for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.
6. | Dec 9, 2013
श्री राम शरणं समस्त जगातां रामं विना का गति:रामेण प्रतिहन्यते कलि मलं रामाय कार्यं नम: |रामात् त्रस्यति काल भीम बुजग: रामस्य सर्वं वशेरामे भक्ति: अखणटिता भवतु मे राम त्वमेव आश्रय: ஸ்b2ரி ராம ஸb2ரணம்b0 ஸமஸ்த ஜகாb3தாம்b0 ராமம்b0 விநா கா கb3தி:ராமேண ப்ரதிஹந்யதே கலி மலம்b0 ராமாய கார்யம்b0 நம: |ராமாத் த்ரஸ்யதி கால பீ⁴ம புb3ஜகb3: ராமஸ்ய ஸர்வம்b0 வஸேb2ராமே ப⁴க்தி: அகb2ணடிதா ப⁴வது மே ராம த்வமேவ ஆஸ்b2ரய: This sloka is to remember the 8 viahkbthis by my father, when I was too small.This may also be kindly highlighted to allश्री राम: शरणं समस्त जगातां – Nominative case,रामं विना का गति: Accusative case,रामेण प्रतिहन्यते कलि मलं – Instrumental caseरामाय कार्यं नम: Dative caseरामात् त्रस्यति काल भीम बुजग: Ablative caseरामस्य सर्वं वशे Genitive caseरामे भक्ति: अखणटिता भवतु मे Locative caseराम त्वमेव आश्रय: Vocative case
7. | Dec 6, 2013
Hi Maish,You are correct - If a cuetsmor already had a server in the business, with a full 16 slots of RAM Dimms, of say, 1GB in size, they have 2 options - they either use Oversubscription of memory, to get more out of what they currently have, or, they replace those 1GB Dimms, with 2GB, or 4GB (8GB Dimms are quite expensive!) and get that server up to 64GB for example. Whilst RAM is cheap, there are arguments for and against both approaches.I guess on new servers, that a lot of cuetsmors will purchase to start their virtualisation journey, I guess they have a choice - RAM or Oversubscription. I guess if they went with the RAM option, and MS did bring in an equivalent feature further down the line (of which I simply don't know whether they will or not!) the cuetsmor would be in a great position of having the choice of either.I think Microsoft accept that there will be cuetsmors out there who would like a similar capability in Hyper-V, however in terms of must-haves in R2, I think it fell behind some key features like Live Migration for example.Who knows what the future will hold - they sure don't tell me what's coming! :-)Matt
8. | Aug 11, 2013
If you fly with Intel, then the Socket 775 is the way to go. If you have the AMD side of the house, then I would recommend at least a Dual-Core setup stragety. Also, If you have a proprietary setup (HP, Compaq, Dell, Microsoft, etc.) you may as well not even try overclocking. Period. Proprietary Systems like the ones that were listed, are designed from the ground up to be the most efficient at giving the most basic user a happy little Graphic User Interface to romp in .however what you want to do is get a decent setup as far as new board, cpu, a heatsink good enough to cool the beast you unleash when you fire it up, at least 2GB+ of memory, anywhere aroung the 120GB-250GB SATA sector should prove enough to be sufficient for the gaming stragety listed in this question, around 600W PSU to give this beast some life (in Dr. Frankenstein's eyes) and for scalability(upgrading), a decent OS like XP (tried and true) even though Techs like to call it Windows (X)tra (P)roblems, the associated updates and drivers from the hardware that you have installed into your new beast, a few reboots later, and wham! you have a basic budget gaming rig thanks to one of the gaming communities' people spilling the beans hope this helps you in the quest in gaing groung in the custom (re)build sector Good Luck!!!
9. | Jul 30, 2013
RAM stands for Recent Access Memory, it is the aunomt of data your computer is able to run at one time with decent efficiency. Therefore if a video game requires 2 gigs of RAM and your computer has, like my laptop, 2.2 gigs of RAM than you will be able to run it but it may lag some or be slow. Having a good video or graphics card is also important as they can reduce how much RAM is required for higher graphics. If you had to graphics cards and one was newer and better, your current one may run the game with minor lag or speed reduction but if you had the new graphics card it can access and run those graphics easier allowing you to run them more efficiently. Make sure also that you defrag the computer every so often as well, all that fragmented data can hurt a computers run ability a lot. But yes RAM does help gaming.